Friday, May 22, 2020
Socrates s Method Of Questioning Others - 1565 Words
Socrates method of questioning others is his way of getting individuals to live a more philosophical life; which drastically fails in the end. In this paper, I will explain and evaluate Socrates method of questioning others. I will be explaining and evaluating on why I think that Socrates fails at trying to convince people to live philosophically. Socrates’ method is not helpful in convincing others to live philosophically because he turns off individuals in simple conversation, he is put to trial for his method, and he is sentenced the death penalty for his ways of teaching. To start my paper, I am first going to explain Socrates style of persuasion. Secondly, I am going to discuss Socrates encounter with Euthyphro. Lastly, I am going†¦show more content†¦With this being said, Socrates method of teaching philosophy is to go around the town and prove people how little they actually know. In other words, Socrates tries to make an individual feel as if they know nothi ng. To the people of Athens, this is a nuisance. This brings me to my second point, where I am going to introduce Euthyphro. Euthyphro is a professional priest and he claims to know everything there is to know about the holy manners. Long story short, Euthyphro wants to prosecute his father and Socrates wants to ask questions about Euthyphros decision. Socrates brings up the idea of piety and asks him what it is. Socrates, already knowing what piety is, only does this to get Euthyphro to realize he actually has no idea what he is talking about. In Plato Five Dialogues on page 7, Socrates says to Euthyphro, â€Å"†¦For now, try to tell me more clearly what I was asking just now, for, my friend, you did not teach me adequately when I asked you what the pious was†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Here, Socrates is trying to get him to realize that everything that he is saying is wrong. He is trying to make Euthyphro feel as if he knows nothing about what he is talking about. Socrates is trying to get him to realize how arrogant he is. Instead of telling Euthyphro his view isn’t right, Socrates questions him about it instead. Instead of acting like he knows what he is talking about, Socrates pretends to admire Euthyphros’ â€Å"wisdom†. Socrates states â€Å"†¦I am so desirous ofShow MoreRelatedThe Similarities Between Socrates And Moore933 Words  | 4 PagesAgitators that had similar motivations and ways of achieving them. An example would be philosopher Socrates and filmmaker Michael Moore. Despite some small differences in approach, these two have many significant similarities as Agitators. The most obvious similarity between Socrates and Moore is that they are agitators, but it’s more than them just advocating social and political change, it s the methods in which they did so that were so similar. 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