Tuesday, August 25, 2020
A Place That Gets Worst From Time To Time Free Essays
There is a nation in South East Asia known as the Philippines. It is made out of 7.100 islands and has its underlying foundations going back to Spanish occupation. We will compose a custom exposition test on A Place That Gets Worst From Time To Time or then again any comparable subject just for you Request Now The nation has a long history of being an involved country. Spanish servitude by the Americans just to be involved by the Japanese during World War II. The Americans by and by freed it and in the end gave the nation autonomy. The nation has never had a potential for success to create and turn into a player in the rising economies of the world because of poor political administration. It was under an autocracy spreading over twenty years asking in the 70’s. The tyrant president, Ferdinand Marcos was removed in a bloodless transformation known as People power just to have the new pioneers dogged by innumerable military uprisings that proceed into the current administration of the nation. It is this political strife that has caused relapse in the nation. It has been deteriorating since the Americans left in light of the fact that the individuals don't have the foggiest idea how to administer themselves. They could be what might be compared to Nigeria later on most uncommonly with their national races, known for its viciousness, being in progress with the opening of the crusade season this January. At long last, it appears as though awful administration and narrow-mindedness is making an effectively awful circumstance deteriorate in a nation that is by all accounts deteriorating circumstances as time passes. In this circumstance that appears to have no arrangement, just the customary residents of the nation come out at the washouts since they don't have the voice to be heard and the conviction to battle for what is because of them.  Instructions to refer to A Place That Gets Worst From Time To Time, Essays
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Research Process and Development of Evidence
Question: Depict about the Report for Research Process and Development of Evidence. Answer: Proof based practice (EBP) alludes to an interdisciplinary methodology in nursing practice. The methodology has been making strides since its presentation in clinical medication in 1992. Its starting point was in the field of medication where it started as proof based medication (EBM) (Wallin, Bostrm, Wikblad Ewald, 2003). Later it took off to different territories among them dentistry, brain research, audiology, nursing, and social work among others. There are three essential standards of EBP, which are recorded underneath. (1) Gathering the best research proof that clarifies whether and why a treatment strategy works. (2) The nearness of clinical experience and judgment to decide the wellbeing state and finding of the patient. (3) The inclinations and estimations of the patient (DiCenso, Guyatt Ciliska, 2014). There are various kinds of proof assembled in EBP. They incorporate the meta-examination and methodical audits, randomized controlled preliminaries, associate investigations, case-control studies, and case arrangement/reports. The specific occasion decides the idea of the proof required being referred to (Horn Gassaway, 2007). Thusly, these various kinds are utilized proof philosophies applied in different situations. The wellbeing rehearsing must comprehend what every involve, and guarantee that he/she recognizes the one that best fits for the situation under investigation (DiCenso, Guyatt Ciliska, 2014). Meta-examination proof joins data assembled from quantitative techniques, autonomous investigations, and combination of rundowns and ends that can be successful restoratively (Banning, 2005). The second kind of confirmation is orderly survey gathered from distributed books and articles. Randomized controlled preliminary, which is another sort of proof, is accumulated past works including clinical preliminaries, with one treatment and a control try. The exploration procedure used to assemble randomized controlled preliminary proof is an arbitrary determination of medicines. Associate investigations allude o proof gathered on distinguished and particular populaces. Case-control contemplates are another basic kind of evidence utilized in clinical practice. The way toward social affair such proof includes the ID of an influenced gathering and another that isn't influenced by the ailments being examined. The kind of confirmation looks to decide the presentation to illnesses in various are as. At last, there is the situation arrangement and reports, which are clinical introductions that are frequently trailed by evaluative examinations, and in the long run determination (DiCenso, Guyatt Ciliska, 2014). It is essential to note at this phase there is no examination for the situation arrangement and reports. It is normal that the specialist ought to decide the degree of proof to use in clinical practice. It is absurd to expect to locate the most elevated level of proof (exploratory examination), which is regularly, accumulated utilizing deliberate audits and controlled preliminaries. The second level of proof is the semi trial examines, in which the data is gathered utilizing a mix of randomized controlled investigations and semi tests. Meta-examination look into approach might be used or not. The third degree of proof contains non-test considers. Subjective examinations and precise surveys with or without meta-investigation fall under this level. Different guidelines incorporate the assessment of specialists dependent on logical research and dependent on exploratory and non-inquire about proof. The reviewing or rather progressive system of evidence helps different experts who may utilize the data accumulated to decide the quality of the writing and wellsprings of the information before applying in EPB (Tabak, et al. 2012). Proof based practice (EBP) is broadly perceived in the wellbeing parts internationally. It is viewed as a significant driver towards positive results in clinical and nursing rehearses. Researchers characterize EBP as cautious joining of most solid research proof into clinical practice and patient qualities and necessities with the point of conveying financially savvy, and top notch medicinal services administrations (Grove, Burns, Gray,2014, p.4). Along these lines, in view of the definition it is obvious that EBP gives nurture the chance to utilize protected and reasonable treatment approaches and dynamic method. It is through doing the utilization of proof that the quality and cost-adequacy of human services administrations improves too. Considering the significance of EBP in clinical practice, medical caretakers ought not see it as an additional outstanding burden. The information base they gain from different instructive projects, which set them up for the exploration in the improvement of EBP, serve a basic job in guaranteeing that they comprehend the significance and hugeness of putting together unique clinical mediations with respect to looked into data (Majid, et al. 2011). It is general practice for medical caretakers to think about day by day the different treatment alternatives they have utilized during the day. That causes them distinguish shortcomings and qualities in various treatment strategies and furthermore empowers them to assess the different choices and how viable they are when utilized on patients. The reflection shapes the premise of the exploration procedure through which proof in clinical practice is created. Making references to the proof assembled doesn't infer that the procedure must be exte nsive, entangled, and brimming with conventions, with access to the web and neighborhood arrangements, and dependent on best practice articulations/reports (Satterfield, et al. 2009). Be that as it may, attendants need to build up the capacity to separate the bases information and aptitudes. That way they can without much of a stretch apply the proof from look into concentrates in their training no sweat. During the examination procedure, medical attendants are required to take as much time as is needed and plan powerful research questions. They at that point need to return to the issues and cautiously look for answers. That implies that they need to grow their clinical ability to fuse investigate aptitudes, which are fundamental in discovering proof. Woods, Burns, and Gray (2014) distinguish basic article exploring as perhaps the most ideal ways for medical attendants to find the proof they are searching for inside a brief timeframe. It is feasible for attendants to settle on powerful choices by altogether breaking down and studying past research diaries. The essential center while conveying it the surveys ought to be on the unwavering quality and legitimacy of the data contained in the diary articles. It is workable for medical attendants to foreordain the most probable impacts of the proof they find from different sources on their clinical result (Rycroft-Malone Bucknall, 2011). Du ring the exploration and proof improvement process medical caretakers must consider the lawful and moral difficulties that emerge every now and then in their clinical practice (Gerrish, et al. 2007). They should likewise distinguish holes inside their exploration forms and recommend ways improve the accessible proof through further/extended examinations. More or less, medical attendants are relied upon to outfit basic clinical inquiry definition, writing looking through aptitudes, and research examination abilities during the time spent building up their EBP. They should likewise approach different organization databases, which bolster the improvement of proof based practice. These incorporate theCumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and the British Nursing Index (BNI) (Tabak, et al. 2012). It is significant for medical caretakers to look for explanations from their associates to guarantee that they addresses they define meet the moral and lawful contemplations. They clinical research addresses must demonstrate regard to the convictions and estimations of patients and representatives in the wellbeing office. Accordingly, care must be taken to guarantee that the issues are created in an exceptionally moral way. Attendants should attempt to look through the most elevated level' of proof, for example, precise audits, which include the positioning and accumulation of proof gained by investigate techniques use to gather such data (Hunink, et al. 2014). Deliberate audits regularly examine the discoveries of excellent investigations, with the vast majority of them being surveys of randomized controlled preliminaries. Such reports distinguish the intercessions that are probably going to work and constraints in the investigations, which must be tended to before the use of the pr oof from such sources. By doing this, inclination is decreased simultaneously and impacts of different intercessions are not overestimated. Using evidence, medical attendants decrease the time require in completing basic evaluations. It is essential to take note of that in spite of the fact that the clinical practice shows restraint focused, there is the still absence of gratefulness with regards to best proof for a patient's reaction inwardly, genuinely, and intellectually. Rather, the essential spotlight is on logical interventionism (Rycroft-Malone Bucknall, 2011). There are a few hindrances to the usage of EBP in clinical and emergency clinics. The main regular hindrance is the absence of data and abilities required for the procedure to work successfully (Kitson, 2002). There are numerous instances of wellbeing experts lacking satisfactory information with respect to clinical research discoveries and proposals. Thus, they come up short on the aptitudes to apply the data from proof based research concentrates in their training (Munroe, Duffy, Fisher, 2008). By the day's end, such wellbeing experts depend more on their aptitude than clinical proof (Majid, et al. 2011). Another hindrance is the absence of time to apply look into in their training (Grol Wensing, 2004). It is particularly the situation in clinical offices where the quantity of medical attendants stays low as the patients keep on expanding. In such circumstances, attendants and other wellbeing experts face the test of applying research in their training and simultaneously giving cli nical consideration benefits inside a brief timeframe outline. To deal with the issue of time the board, instructors and analysts have built up a toolbox to help facilitate the a
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Understanding Systematic Desensitization for Fighting Anxiety
Understanding Systematic Desensitization for Fighting Anxiety Sometimes things go much beyond just feeling uncomfortable while in a certain place or situation or with certain people. Perhaps all of that starts as a feeling of fear or being distressed.But if you notice it repeating over and over again, and becoming stronger, then it is more than obvious that it’s something much more serious.There have been many types of research on the topic of how to approach the whole thing.Understanding systematic desensitization for fighting anxiety is a matter of our subject here. The goal is finding the safest and most effective way to help a person deal with the issue(s).We shall go through as many aspects as possible to have a full grasp of what is it actually, how it works and what are the results.GETTING TO KNOW ANXIETY DISORDERSBefore we explain how any of the therapeutic methods work, we must give a brief definition of what anxiety disorders actually are.When a person is worried about the future and the most common reaction to current events is fea r, the feelings belong to the group of mental (aka anxiety) disorders.There are several of them and it’s not a rare case that people often have more than one.The list includes the following:Separation anxietySocial anxietyPanic disorderSpecific phobiaGeneralized anxiety disorderSelective mutismAgoraphobiaThose uncomfortable feelings we mentioned, in the beginning, are actually the main responsible for physical symptoms which result in disorders.Those, among many, often include shakiness and fast heart rate.The set of feelings has the influence over the final outcome, or to be more precise- they result in certain disorder(s).Disorders usually result in a combination of two major factors: environmental and genetical.A significant contribution comes from risk factors such as the history of such disorders in the family, child abuse or poverty.Anxiety-related usually comes in combination with some other mental disorders. Those are major depressive, substance use and personality disorde r.The symptoms need to be present consistently over a longer period of time, about 6 months in order to diagnose them.In addition to this, to absolutely confirm the existence of disorder without any doubt, a person needs to feel that he/she doesn’t function properly and that those feelings go beyond the expected for a certain situation.It is of vital importance to discover and treat any of the disorders as soon as possible.They tend to remain, and only with an adequate approach, a person can learn to fight them and, in some ideal situation, cure those.The treatment includes several aspects, such as the right medications, counselling and of course, changing the lifestyle.The numbers behind the disorders are more than shocking and saddening, as about 12% of people yearly are affected by some of the disorders.Up to 30% of them continue having the problem over a lifetime. Speaking in sexes, females are twice as often the “victims†compared to males.As for the ages, the majority of problems start before the age of 25. Phobias are among the most common appearing.UNDERSTANDING THE SCIENCE BEHIND SYSTEMATIC DESENSITIZATIONJoseph Wolpe, a South African psychiatrist developed a behaviour therapy to help people deal with all kinds of anxiety disorders.This method is known as graduated exposure therapy or systematic desensitization.This treatment unifies the elements of applied behaviour analysis as well as cognitive-behavioural therapy. This means that depending on the application by analysts or psychologists, the approach would have different starting points and approaches.Analysts will base it on mediation and breathing, whereas psychologists will use feelings and cognitions as a trigger to motor actions.Desensitization occurs in three stages:Identification of anxietyLearning coping or relaxation techniquesReact and overcome the situationsTo explain the process a bit more in detail, we shall go step by step through each of the stages here. So, the first step mean s identifying what triggers and causes anxiety problems.If there are several items, each of them gets a subjective ranking based on the severity.It’s important to mention that if there are multiple triggers which induce such reaction one has to deal with each of them separately.Furthermore, for every single stimulus and trigger one has to make a list where the events will be ranked from the least to the greatest anxiety provoker.This entire phase is familiar as establishing anxiety stimulus hierarchy.The next step is learning the mechanism response, such as meditation, relaxation and similar methods.Wolpe found the relaxation to be the most effective approach, as an individual cannot feel anxious and relaxed at the same time.This looks like training, where one gets the instructions to practice tensing and relaxing different body parts. The ultimate goal is reaching the state of serenity.A patient must find the means to control the fear and that’s why this exercise is necessary. One mustn’t allow it to reach levels where it becomes intolerable.Besides learning useful mechanisms to cope with the triggers and situations, one also practices breathing and takes appropriate medicine as well.In addition to this, an important part of this phase also includes cognitive reappraisal.Therapists encourage patients to imagine what would happen if they are exposed to triggers along with imagining the possible outcomes.Instead of thinking about catastrophic situations, a patient should replace them with some potentially positive outcomes.The third, final stage is where the patient starts dealing with actual and real items that were initially listed, from the less to the most stressful stimuli. One needs to be fully relaxed before he/she is introduced to the first item from the list.If a patent is in the state of serenity, a therapist may proceed to introduce him/her to the next item listed. The ultimate goal is having the patient be able to face the most stressful item from the list without having the panic response.The whole procedure helps the patient overcome phobias. That’s why it is very important to go through the whole phase slowly and patiently, without pushing things.The coping mechanism needs to strengthen, and that’s something you cannot reach overnight. If any issues occur, the therapy is immediately stopped, until the patient regains the feeling of calmness. DESENSITIZATION FROM A TO Z We could also name this part something like “from theory to practiceâ€.Having all the procedure explained in detail in the form of definitions and rules is one thing.On the other hand, their application, in reality, is completely different, or to be precise, more challenging.That’s why both patient and therapist need to find some common language where both will strive towards a similar goal, which in this case means anxiety-free life.First of all, let us try to explain the above-described procedure using a practical example.If you have a person having an enormous phobia of spiders (arachnophobia), the desensitization process would look like this:A patient should list as many as possible situations he/she can think of involving spiders. This should include all the potential unpleasantness caused by various levels of exposure to spiders. So, anything from looking at the picture of the spider to having this dreadful creature crawling on your arm counts. The first one would represent the lowest, whereas the latter would be ranked as the highest anxiety trigger.What comes next is learning the techniques to relax and cope with the stimulus. For the beginning, one must learn to be able to mediate as well as deeply relax the muscles. Perhaps we didn’t mention so far, but the whole thing with an anxious response includes not only panic, fear and similar feelings, but the body reacts as well. One freezes, so to say, making the muscles become tense. This is why one can often recognize a person with such disorders even by the facia l expression. When untreated on time, these issues turn into serious problems which are harmful both to our body and our mind.The final stage is where the game begins. Remember the picture of the spider we listed in the previous paragraph? The first step towards fighting the phobia would be showing the patient this picture, as it is the least dangerous item on the list. The next would be gazing at the spider on the floor in the next room, followed by being with one in the same room. The final goal is letting the spider be in your hands without panicking. This is definitely the ultimate and the strongest stimuli. When a patient reaches this step, the anxiety starts fading out slowly.As you can see, the whole process requires enormous amounts of professionalism and patience, as this is the thing that cannot be cured with a single session only.Neither the patient nor the therapist should rush things here, as it can only become worse.The goal is having one free from disorder(s) and havi ng him/her ability to deal with the trigger even when there’s no therapist to direct him/her.That feeling is something that comes as a result of several successful training sessions, not after a single one.HOW TO BE SURE WHETHER ONE NEEDS A DESENSITIZATION THERAPY? This is the kind of thing you cannot notice after a single situation, but it’s one of those that become visible when it is already a huge problem.You will agree that this makes application of any method much difficult as the therapist has to deal with the occasion that is already a problem and a default condition.It is very important that a person reacts and asks for help as soon as possible. It’s not a shame to seek advice from a professional before some occasional fears become real disorders.For example, if a person notices that he/she has some strange and uncomfortable feelings when one needs to speak in public, or when near spiders, snakes, and such situations, it is more than obvious that this has a potential t o become a disorder.Therefore, reacting on time, after just a few occasion where one noticed that something wrong is going on is what increases the chances for a therapy to be successful.We can freely say that these are more or less the right indications that one needs therapy.It’s always an option that a person tries to deal with the fear of him/herself, which perhaps may turn to be successful if in the very initial phase.On the other hand, trying to do so when a problem is already an obvious disorder will only make things worse. Many therapists like to include relaxation as an integral part of the therapy.The method has good chances of success if a patient is able to relax completely and can willingly achieve this state.As desensitization itself, this one requires patience as there’s no magical button that can switch the option on and off.One has to learn this throughout several sessions, where a patient will slowly accept and learn to implement relaxation.The fact that comes as one of the greatest ironies of contemporary times is that people are hard to relax these days.Our everyday routine is stress-induced and the sad thing is that it doesn’t decrease as the time goes by, but only grows bigger and bigger.Even those who are not dealing with disorders have multiple issues caused by this (obligatory) lifestyle.But, that is definitely a subject of another matter to discuss in some other articles, as our main focus here is dealing with anxiety disorders. PROS AND CONS OF THE METHODDiscussing the pros and cons is something that is an inevitable part of every field, even when things seem almost flawless. Like here, for example.Still, having in mind that this technique actually includes multiple approaches and methods, not all of them will be equally corresponding and, consequently, effective in dealing with certain issues.The first thing to compare here is in-vivo VS imaginal exposure. The first one refers to confronting a patient with the feared stimuli i n the real world.Sometimes this approach is simply not feasible. Take, for example, patients dealing with PTSD caused by combats. It is difficult to create such an exact environment to expose a patient to it.This is a multi-layered situation which includes a plethora of various smells, sound, and sights that can be hazardous to deal with for someone with an upper-level anxiety disorder.This is where the second option, imaginal exposure plays an important role.A patient is asked to use as vivid as possible imagination and describe the problematic stimulus.In addition to this, a patient should use present-tense language and talk about both external and internal cues.This means describing every single condition to the tiniest possible detail, including not only sounds, smells, and sights but thoughts and emotions as well.This type of exposure is useful for resolving worse-case scenarios related to fears, such as patients with OCD.Application of this method significantly reduces the ave rsiveness of the thought.Compared to in-vivo exposure, this imaginal technique eliminates potential practical disadvantages to the first one.On the other hand, the only weakness of this method is that not all people are able to imagine and recreate the triggering occasions equally vivid.This means that desensitization is not always equally effective, precisely due to these individual differences.Another approach to discussing here is graded exposure VS flooding. The first approach refers to slowly and gradually implementing one by one stimulus, starting from the less intensive one.If using this method, it is advisable to create an exposing hierarchy where all the triggers will be listed, from the mildest to the strongest.It is necessary that a patient levels up according to accepting one by one stimulus without anxious reaction.Contrary to this, flooding means implementing the strongest stimulus at the beginning of the therapy. This was formerly known as implosive therapy.Each of th e approaches has its own yes-es and no-s, but the truth is both are equally effective.Which one the therapist will use depends entirely on personal comfort level and preference. However, the majority of therapists opt for the first one as it is less invasive and less stressful than flooding.Regardless of the approach, the level of disorder and the patient and the therapists themselves, do know that desensitization is a slow process, which takes up to several sessions to be able to notice the progress.The more you apply it, the more effective it will be, so do not expect a huge change overnight. The fact that this approach is progressive and free from potential disturbing elements increases the likelihood of patient sticking with it rather than abandoning the therapy.Generally speaking, desensitization has multiple successes in dealing with phobias. Still, the method is not so effective for treating more serious mental disorders such as depression schizophrenia and similar.With the i dea to find some compromises and adequate ways to approach certain disorder, scientists are investigating all the possible options.One method has slowly become popular, as it has great potential. What we are aiming at here is virtual reality.VR THERAPY FOR MORE CONTEMPORARY APPROACHTraditional techniques are more than successful in dealing with these issues, particularly if both patient and therapist show that they are willing to cooperate.Above all, the approach is what means the most, as we pointed out several times.Still, science never sleeps and the new methods appear in order to find a more effective and creative approach to the whole situation.When it comes to fighting disorders, the latest trend in the field is VR therapy.This technique represents a link between reality and the objective world.However, the whole thing is rather new and there are no specific empirically based pieces of evidence which can provide more information on how this method actually works and what are t he outcomes.This innovative method definitely deserves special attention as it may simulate situations which are difficult to experience on some limited occasions.To be more specific, the list of potential triggers a patient can be tested on definitely expands.One of the fields regarding VR where some extensive researches started is the incorporation of this virtual method into an empty chair technique.This can be applied when an individual has certain anxious responses related to inter-personal conflicts with identifiable individuals.How does it look like?A patient is asked to sit in front of a virtual empty chair imagining that the one causing the anxiety is sitting in that chair.The therapist then motivates the patient to express the thoughts assertively directing the situation towards resolving the conflict.The greatest advantage of this method is that this scene is quite simple to create. Moreover, the chair needn’t remain empty after all, as the avatar which would resemble a n individual triggering the reaction is equally easy to create.Incorporation of lighting and effective control over it in this scene, the avatar actually doesn’t have to be 100% matching the description the patient provides to the therapist.Moreover, during the session, the avatar doesn’t have to communicate with the patient.It’s the therapist that dictates the course and tasks a patient should perform during the session. However, if the situation requires so, a picture of the real person triggering anxiety can be used to create as resembling as a possible avatar.Like we said in the beginning, the whole thing is still relatively new and the time will show how successful it will be in dealing with the disorders.Nevertheless, one must admit that it certainly has great potential. Of course, like with any of the methods, the adequate approach is essential.FINAL THOUGHTSIt would take many pages and discussions to give even more complex insight into the whole matter.Yet we have trie d to cover as many fields as possible hoping that one will get as precise as a possible insight into this multi-layered problem.The whole logic of this technique could be described via three simple steps:Meet the disorderBuild a fear ladderClimb the fear ladderAlthough this is as simplified definition as possible, that doesn’t mean the whole process is as well. But it has quite positive chances if one knows what to do.By “one†we mean both patient and therapist.Our article here gave you valuable information on what disorders really are and how serious they are.Moreover, you learned more about the desensitization including all the phases along with pros and cons.Furthermore, you are now familiar with the possible indications for the therapy.In addition to this, you are also knowledgeable about VR therapy, which is indeed the next big thing. By this, we mean in the majority of fields, such as problems with various addictions and similar.All in all, if you have noticed any of the se symptoms and situations that may imply there’s something going on, do not hesitate to look for a therapist and get down to eliminating fears.Understanding systematic desensitization for fighting anxiety is the initial step to take in treating and curing the problem.Be prepared that this road will be full of challenges and obstacles. But all the ways leading to success are like that, aren’t they?
Friday, May 22, 2020
Socrates s Method Of Questioning Others - 1565 Words
Socrates method of questioning others is his way of getting individuals to live a more philosophical life; which drastically fails in the end. In this paper, I will explain and evaluate Socrates method of questioning others. I will be explaining and evaluating on why I think that Socrates fails at trying to convince people to live philosophically. Socrates’ method is not helpful in convincing others to live philosophically because he turns off individuals in simple conversation, he is put to trial for his method, and he is sentenced the death penalty for his ways of teaching. To start my paper, I am first going to explain Socrates style of persuasion. Secondly, I am going to discuss Socrates encounter with Euthyphro. Lastly, I am going†¦show more content†¦With this being said, Socrates method of teaching philosophy is to go around the town and prove people how little they actually know. In other words, Socrates tries to make an individual feel as if they know nothi ng. To the people of Athens, this is a nuisance. This brings me to my second point, where I am going to introduce Euthyphro. Euthyphro is a professional priest and he claims to know everything there is to know about the holy manners. Long story short, Euthyphro wants to prosecute his father and Socrates wants to ask questions about Euthyphros decision. Socrates brings up the idea of piety and asks him what it is. Socrates, already knowing what piety is, only does this to get Euthyphro to realize he actually has no idea what he is talking about. In Plato Five Dialogues on page 7, Socrates says to Euthyphro, â€Å"†¦For now, try to tell me more clearly what I was asking just now, for, my friend, you did not teach me adequately when I asked you what the pious was†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Here, Socrates is trying to get him to realize that everything that he is saying is wrong. He is trying to make Euthyphro feel as if he knows nothing about what he is talking about. Socrates is trying to get him to realize how arrogant he is. Instead of telling Euthyphro his view isn’t right, Socrates questions him about it instead. Instead of acting like he knows what he is talking about, Socrates pretends to admire Euthyphros’ â€Å"wisdom†. Socrates states â€Å"†¦I am so desirous ofShow MoreRelatedThe Similarities Between Socrates And Moore933 Words  | 4 PagesAgitators that had similar motivations and ways of achieving them. An example would be philosopher Socrates and filmmaker Michael Moore. Despite some small differences in approach, these two have many significant similarities as Agitators. The most obvious similarity between Socrates and Moore is that they are agitators, but it’s more than them just advocating social and political change, it s the methods in which they did so that were so similar. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Fundamentals of Doctoral Dissertation Revealed
The Fundamentals of Doctoral Dissertation Revealed Who Else Wants to Learn About Doctoral Dissertation? Don't forget you have to spell out how your findings really make a difference in the academic community and the way they're implied in practice. If you're organised and hard-working, there's nothing that may keep you from getting your degree! It's essential for scholars to understand how quick and how slow something happens. If you don't get a true need and strong urge to remain in academia and get tenure in your area, a doctorate in English or Higher Education isn't likely to do you a lot of good. Others accept checks and charge cards. Students could be nominated for just 1 grant period. Doctoral students should be told that most examiners start marking from the rear of the script. Cooperating with our professional writing company will reveal to you that there's no need to search for other writing agencies. There are a few points, which can enable you to recognize a company to keep away from. Also make certain that the topic you need to explore has some interest to the department staff, otherwise there's hardly any opportunity to acquire a supervisor that has a genuine interest in your project and who will be glad to offer you much of their attention. When a student uses words like discourse and ideology like they were neutral nouns, it is frequently a signal for the beginning of a pantomime of naivety throughout the script. If you wish to create the proposal convincing, its format needs to be clean and simple to follow along with. The title page number might be suppressed. Official copies aren't required. A duplicate of the thesis for a pdf file should be transmitted by e-mail to the exact same address or made available using a link given in the email. MLA writing style is extremely easy to use even when you're a beginner. PDF format is preferred for the majority of materials. The MLA kind of formatting includes many significant details to remember. The Ultimate Doctoral Dissertation Trick Bracketed references within the body of your essay are. You shouldn't underestimate the significance of the acknowledgements part of your thesis. Firstly, you're supposed to do substantial research of the topic you have decided on. One might be the conventional monograph. Short conclusions are made by tired doctoral students. The purpose of the research stage is to show you've read around the subject and you comprehend the prior research that's been conducted, but you've also understood its limitations. Then, you are going to clarify the intention behind the analysis, and the research question. You'll also expose your assumptions and expectations of the last outcomes. The simplest way to construct a dissertation is inside-out. It's hard to compose the very best dissertation. Generally, writing a doctoral dissertation isn't unachievable. A finance-oriented dissertation may be a multi-chapter treatment of one topic in economics or related fields, or it may be a presentation of self-contained essays. Doctoral dissertation as any other academic paper should be correctly cited in order to prevent plagiarism. Advisors should vet a comprehensive draft of the dissertation in front of a defense, and ought to delay the defense in the event the dissertation isn't inclined to be qualified for submission, in spite of major revisions. My postgraduates can't understand why I am rather picky. Late submissions won't be considered. Don't even consider dissertation editing the moment you finish writing the previous sentence.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mrs. Hamilton Free Essays
Gender and Development Gender-role development is one of the most important areas of human development. The moment a women finds out she is pregnant she is often anxious to find out the sex of her child. The definitions of the terms â€Å"sex†and â€Å"gender†need to be understood. We will write a custom essay sample on Mrs. Hamilton or any similar topic only for you Order Now The term â€Å"sex†denotes the actual physical makeup of individuals that define them as male or female. Sex is determined by genetic makeup, internal reproductive organs, the organization of the brain, and external genitalia. The behavior of individuals as males or females, the types of roles they assume, and their personality characteristics, may be just as important as a person’s biological framework. In order to differentiate between biological features one may take into consideration behaviors and social roles to establish â€Å"gender. †Sex and gender are often intertwined, and certain social expectations can be attributed to one’s biological sex. The sex of a newborn sets the agenda for a whole array of developmental experiences that will influence the person throughout his or her life. Overall, the sex differences between boys and girls in the first year of life are minimal. Boys may be a bit more active or fussier and girls more physically mature and less prone to physical problems, but that may be the extent of the significant differences. Mothers have a tendency to ignore more of their son’s emotional outbursts in comparison to their daughters’ outbursts. Boys may be rough-housed or played with in a more aggressive manor as well. This goes in line with stereotyping males as more hardy or tough and girls as gentle and soft. A parent can influence their child into these gender roles by the way they discipline. They may be harder on a boy than a girl for the exact same behavior. â€Å"Children see what their parents do. Children learn when they try to imitate their parents (Putnam, Myers-Walis; Love, p. 1). †For example, a boy may grow up seeing his father fix things around the house and his mother being the one who always cooks dinner. Parents may also assign specific chores to the children according to sex, thus reinforcing gender roles in their development. Another way a parent influences gender development is by what they say to their children. Making comments about girls do this or boys do that supports the gender stereotypes. Gender roles development is crucial around ages 2-6 years when children are becoming aware of their gender, where play styles and behaviors begin to crystallize around that core identify of â€Å"I am a girl†or â€Å"I am a boy. †Typically males have been thought to be more aggressive than males; however, in a study reported by the American Psychological Association, Inc. , reveals â€Å"our interpretation of these results emphasizes that aggression sex difference are a function of perceived consequences of aggression that are learned as aspects of gender roles and other social roles (Eagly; Steffen, 1986). How a parent teaches the child and role models aggression, play, chores, and toys may have more of a factor of gender roles than being biologically male or female. The areas of gender differences include brain development where there are fewer connections between hemispheres, right brain reliance on space/movement, single focus, sexual response, and emotional resp onse. Males hear less at higher decibels then females and tend to hear better in one ear than the other. Testosterone levels are different as well including a correlation between the amount of testosterone and higher energy and aggression, sex drive, and higher amounts throughout the teenaged years. â€Å"Male babies, on average, are born slightly longer and heavier than female babies. Newborn girls, on the other hand, have slightly more mature skeletons and are a bit more responsive to touch (Craig; Dunn, 2010, p. 188). †By age 2 ? , most children can readily distinguish between male and female, and accurately answer the question of whether they are a boy or a girl. Gender-role stereotypes are fixed ideas about appropriate male and female behavior (Craig; Dunn, 2010, p. 189). †Distinguishing between feminine and masculine appears to be shared in almost every culture, although cultures may differ in their definitions of what masculinity and femininity entail. Children’s concepts of gender depend in part on the child’s cognitive development. A 3-year-old boy might put on a dress and now believe he has turned into a girl, whereas a 5-year-old boy now may understand that his sex is not going to change, which is referred to as gender constancy (Craig; Dunn, 2010, p. 89). Developing gender identity is partly a result of models and rewards. Again, what a child sees and hears growing up about male and female appropriateness will shape their gender personality and roles for the future. In William Pollack’s book Real Boys, he talks about boys in America being in crisis and teen-aged girls losing their voice, mostly as a result of society’s stereotypes about girls and boys. Pollack talks about boys and men wearing masks of masculinity to hide their true inner feelings. Boys are being taught, at a young age, to be tough, act like a man, and if you display feelings you are considered weak or other assorted names given to men who show vulnerability. These stereotypes are limiting and are hindering the development of children. As a society, we push boys into grown-up roles faster than their female counterparts. Moms and dads on the whole begin pushing their boys away by less hugs and kisses at an earlier age than girls (Pollack, 1999). In a study done on drawings of grade-school aged children, there were vast differences in the subject matter the participants drew. Boys’ drawings contained a profusion of violence, of villainy, and of vehicles; girls’ drawings were full of benign animals, bugs and flowers. In the drawings, boys seem more influenced at this age by the media in drawings of superheroes, whereas the girls depicted more domestic-type scenes (McClure-Vollrath, 2006). During the feminist movement, there was a theme that men were â€Å"the problem†and women were â€Å"the oppressed. †By characterizing gender this way, development can fail to address effectively the issues of equity and empowerment that are crucial in bringing about positive change. Gender bias’s and roles are ultimately power relations (Cornwall, 1997, p. 8). Through the feminist movement, many people changed their ways of thinking surrounding men and women, but there is still room for re-thinking when it comes to boys. Boys get mixed messages, â€Å"to be manly but empathetic, cool but open, strong yet vulnerable. †Society has come a long way in liberating girls and women from the gender straightjacket. There is still room for improvement to break down the roles our boys are forced into by letting them own their feelings and communicating with them in a way that allows them to express their fears and distress. Gender identity normally develops in children by about age 3, when they most often are able to identify themselves as boys or girls. People with gender identity disorder or â€Å"gender dysphoria†can remember as early as age 5 as having feelings of being born in the wrong body or wanting to be the opposite of their biological bodies reveal. â€Å"Children who deviate from the socially prescribed behavioral norms for boy or girl children are quickly pushed back in line by parental figures. Behaviors, mannerisms, and play that appears to be gender nonconforming to a parent may feel perfectly normal to the child (Mallon; DeCrescenzo, 2006). Western society continues to reward parents for conforming their children into their gender roles by buying Barbie’s for girls and dump trucks for boys, even if they have asked for something different. Sexual orientation is different from, and not determined by, one’s gender identity. In most cases, the onset of gender identity disorder can be traced back to childhood. In an interview with a 46-year-old male who struggled with gender dysphoria all of his life, he reports as early as 5-years-old he was dressing up in women’s clothing and wished he did not have a penis. After years of therapy and insight into his disorder, he has been able to attribute his confusion to some things that were said in his home at an early age. He remembers his mother saying that she was convinced when he was in her womb that he was a girl, and she would often tell him that he should have been a girl. He remembers people telling him how â€Å"pretty†he was and that he would have made a beautiful girl. All of these things contributed to his confusion about his gender at a very young age. He never felt â€Å"attached†to his mother, and later he would find out that his mother would just let him lie in his crib and cry as an infant. He reported that his mother had his 1-year-old brother and 4-year-old sister to look after, and she was too busy to take care of a fussy baby. He said he spent most of his life trying to establish masculinity as society and family would see it, so that nobody would know the terror and confusion he lived with on a daily basis. Eventually, he would decide that his only way out would be suicide, he thought then the pain would finally end. God did not allow him to take his life and instead he found his value in Christ and was set free from his pain and found acceptance of who he was in Christ. He started going to therapy and completely turning his life around, living as a man, and finally finding gender acceptance rather than dysphoria (Robbins, 2011). Roles of home environment, peers, and teachers in the acquisition of gender difference in behavior and attitudes play a role in gender socialization (Lau, 1996). Gender role socialization according to a study done cross-culturally found that it could be narrowly defined by the type of sex-typed behaviors such as play activities and toys. In summary, gender identity is a learned behavior that starts at a very young age and can hinder or enhance a child’s development. Gender plays a role in how a person defines themselves and grows as a person depending on their safety and security in being male or female and what that means to them and what they are taught at a young age. Bottom line is that men and women are different, and as a society and as parents being a boy or girl does not meet we have to fit into a certain box, as people are unique in of themselves, and that is what we can enhance and nurture to develop. How to cite Mrs. Hamilton, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Jungle Essays (333 words) - Jurgis, The Jungle, Upton Sinclair
The Jungle The Jungle--a review As I opened the cover of The Jungle, I anticipated reading a tragic story about the cruelness inflicted upon a poor, working-class family. I had read an excerpt from the novel and had conversed with people who had read it; I thought the story was going to be solid, and perhaps even entertaining. I was incredibly wrong. The beginning of the story started out slow, as it was just another American Dream type story. Jurgis and family came to the States seeking a better life and freedom from their homelands injustices. The story had potential, but the redundancy of the descriptions wore old. I only need to hear once or maybe even twice how cold the winters were, or how evil the packing bosses were. The only parts that I thought had any value were the descriptions of the working facilities and what foulness and corruption were found within. Such descriptions were there solely for the shock or disgust of the reader. The end of the story was extremely confusing. I can understand why Jurgis l eft his family after the death of his young wife, and then the death of his only son. After his time in the country and working for the political machines of Chicago, he became interested in the idea of socialism. With the introduction of a socialist Jurgis, I wanted to put down the book. Where had the whole socialist movement came from? I felt it made absolutely no sense to be in this story. The story, at that point, needed to concentrate more on the reunited family of Jurgis rather than the radical ideas circulating throughout Chicago. Upton Sinclair painted an accurate historical picture with The Jungle, but he wrote it without a sensible plot, with redundant and ambiguous details, and with no appeal as a readable story. I recommend leaving this book on the shelf for someone else to stumble through; I was not impressed. [emailprotected] Music Essays
Friday, March 20, 2020
Free Essays on BMW
BMW Assembly Line The latest tool offered to the manufacturing world is the introduction of robots and automated supply retrieval systems into the assembly lines and production systems. The main reason and advantage for the automation of the assembly lines are the reduction in labor cost and the reduction of human error. â€Å"Adding the latest in robotics and assembly line conveyor systems can help manufacturers meet the stiff challenges they face. With smaller robotic cells, top-loading robots mounted on gantries, new vision-based robots, simulation software for visualizing robotic cells, and more efficient assembly line equipment, manufacturers can boost productivity and remain competitive.†(Waurzyniak) The initial cost for setting up an automated assembly line is often expensive but for a plant that has a high volume output the payback period will be minimal. The key here is the use of high volume repetitive processes. The biggest benefit in automating an assembly line is presented in the removal of human processing in the repeated mechanical movements. Operation Process and the Product There are two distinct operations processes that may be selected in the manufacturing and operations methods. There is the intermittent operations process and the continuous operation process. The selection of the most efficient process is most greatly influenced by the product itself. This is mainly based on the amount of products that will be produced of the same or similar characteristics. If a product is selected for production that is identical at will have a high operation output then the most efficient process would be the continuous operations method. The greater the volume of output a product has the more savings that can be achieved by economies of scale and mass assembly lines. The other end of the spectrum is the selection of a product that has a relatively low volume or has very different characteristics. This type o... Free Essays on BMW Free Essays on BMW BMW Assembly Line The latest tool offered to the manufacturing world is the introduction of robots and automated supply retrieval systems into the assembly lines and production systems. The main reason and advantage for the automation of the assembly lines are the reduction in labor cost and the reduction of human error. â€Å"Adding the latest in robotics and assembly line conveyor systems can help manufacturers meet the stiff challenges they face. With smaller robotic cells, top-loading robots mounted on gantries, new vision-based robots, simulation software for visualizing robotic cells, and more efficient assembly line equipment, manufacturers can boost productivity and remain competitive.†(Waurzyniak) The initial cost for setting up an automated assembly line is often expensive but for a plant that has a high volume output the payback period will be minimal. The key here is the use of high volume repetitive processes. The biggest benefit in automating an assembly line is presented in the removal of human processing in the repeated mechanical movements. Operation Process and the Product There are two distinct operations processes that may be selected in the manufacturing and operations methods. There is the intermittent operations process and the continuous operation process. The selection of the most efficient process is most greatly influenced by the product itself. This is mainly based on the amount of products that will be produced of the same or similar characteristics. If a product is selected for production that is identical at will have a high operation output then the most efficient process would be the continuous operations method. The greater the volume of output a product has the more savings that can be achieved by economies of scale and mass assembly lines. The other end of the spectrum is the selection of a product that has a relatively low volume or has very different characteristics. This type o...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Why Patient Satisfaction is Now Crucial For Hospitals
Why Patient Satisfaction is Now Crucial For Hospitals One of the unexpected effects of the Affordable Care Act has been increased pressure on doctors and medical staff to improve patient engagement. As payment options shift and care networks broaden, patients find themselves empowered to demand not â€Å"just†the best medical care, but also a compassionate bedside manner, as well. Shefali Luthra over at MedPageToday notes that medical centers nationwide are prioritizing doctor-patient interactions and emphasizing compassion as well as a search for diagnosis. â€Å"Under a 2010 health law, Medicare payments to hospitals can be affected by patient satisfaction surveys,†according to Luthra. In addition, the care cost burden on patients leads them to depend more on preference than on limited options.The research of Tim Vogus, associate professor of management at Vanderbilt University, found that medical institutions encouraging physician responsiveness now require doctors to take empathy training courses, capture personal details about patients in their charts, and practice small follow-up gestures like a handwritten note or phone call- all which improve patient experience.A key piece of this innovative practice is of course being open to receiving feedback- if patients never have a chance to evaluate a physician or her practice, how will they know what to improve? The University of Rochester Medical Center sends out a monthly feedback newsletter and provides doctor-to-doctor peer coaching, which gives doctors a chance to turn appointment discussions into a conversation instead of a by-the-book exchange.Patients who feel that their doctors are sincerely invested are more likely to take medication, adhere to recommendations, and schedule follow-up appointments and procedures. And the more active listening an attentive physician practices can lead, the more accurate diagnoses and responsive treatments occur. The entire staff and its patients improve when doctors take the time to listen and respond appropriately- the future of medicine might depend on it.Hospitals Push Docs to Improve Their Bedside MannersRead More at Medical Page Today
Sunday, February 16, 2020
The design of health and safety control system Assignment - 1
The design of health and safety control system - Assignment Example The levels of oxygen in confined spaces can be depleted when there is reaction between some soils and oxygen in the atmosphere; or release of gas such as carbon dioxide that can displace ambient air. Poisonous gases, fumes or vapours can built up in the sewer; enter from connecting pipes; or leak from other areas. Residues left on surface of walls can give off gas, fume, or vapour. Scraping before painting can give rise to particulates that can contaminate the ambient air. Spray painting can give rise to volatile organic compounds depending on the composition of the paint. Volatile organic compounds can have adverse health effects including cancer. The person conducting the operation is at major risk for adverse effects described above. Since the sewer is located below a field where cattle and sheep graze, an open sewer could be a fall hazard for these animals. The control system for this operation includes barricades and procedures for confined space work. According to the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 hazards must be identified; risks assessed and precautions determined. According to the Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 presence of risks of serious injury as in the operation requires following a safe system of work, and putting in place adequate emergency measures before the start of work. The safe system of work is based on the operation described above. A supervisor should be given responsibility for ensuring that necessary precautions are observed for checking the safety at each stage and being present when the work is in execution. The operator must have sufficient experience in conducting painting work in confined spaces. A determination has to be made if there is the need to isolate the sewer, and it must be checked if the isolation is effective. Before entry cleaning is required to determine whether fume s do not develop from residues while work is
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Natural Resources, Conflict, and Conflict Resolution Research Paper
Natural Resources, Conflict, and Conflict Resolution - Research Paper Example This theoretical argument is very clear and appropriate for this paper. It specifies important aspects of the issue which render explanations and foundations for discussion. This theoretical argument help sets the tone for the rest of the discussion as it bears to mind the direction of the politics as it unfolds in the Chad. In order to tentatively answer the issue raised in this paper, the author raised different possible mechanisms which apply to the paper. In applying such possibilities to the study, the author considered the possibility that econometric work can only create correlations and that qualitative work is needed in order to identify the mechanisms which are underneath these correlations (Humphrey, 2005). It is difficult to evaluate whether the author meant this statement as a hypothesis or a tentative consideration for the problem/issue which was raised. Nevertheless, the statement presents a possible direction for the discussion to take in terms of answering the issues raised by the research study. The study also mentions six possible mechanisms which explain the relationship between war or conflict and resources. These mechanisms include: greedy rebels mechanism, greedy outsiders mechanism, grievance mechanism, feasibility mechanism, weak states mechanism, sparse networks mechanism (Humph rey, 2005). These mechanisms have been laid out as tentative considerations for this research. They help lay out possible directions for research in terms of impact on war/conflict as impacted by resources. For purposes of this study, the researcher chose the rebel greed mechanism as a means of explaining the issue topic of this discussion (Humphrey, 2005). This mechanism was chosen based on its applicability to the points raised during the analysis of Chad. In this mechanism, domestic groups are seen to engage in quasi-criminal activities in order to benefit from resources independent from the state. To some extent, these rebels seek power through these resources; and they want to further their ends by seeking
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Mass Media Effect On Promoting Copycat Mass Murders Media Essay
Mass Media Effect On Promoting Copycat Mass Murders Media Essay This research paper highlights on the ways that the mass media has encouraged the copycat murders. The copycat effect is used in reference to the situation for which a sensational publicity about the violent acts of murders or suicides causes the tendency to result in more of similar effects through imitation. The Media influence or media effects are terms used in media studies, in psychology, communication theory and in sociology in reference to the theories concerning the ways in which the mass media affect the way in which the audiences think or behave. The critiques of the influences of media suggested that media can weaken or delimit an individuals capacity in acting autonomously by connecting the world to the individuals and reproducing of self-images of the society, this characteristic of media is ascribed as an influence which is reminiscent of the telescreens, These Include all the kinds of media namely; the newspapers, TV, Radio, Internet and the Books. . The media generates information in a networked setup, it then publishes the information using the articles, videos, and the photos to the consumers, this influences the individuals ability to interpret the delivered information while at the same time it potentially influences the unrelated cultural and the personal beliefs, basing on the propaganda model. The Mass media content which is created for the newsworthy events and the untold stories have consequences on the consumers and culture can also be influenced. The media has a strong social and cultural impact upon the society. This is due to its ability to reach a wider audience with strong and influential messages. The Television broadcasts have a lot of control over the content delivered to the society depending on the number watching and the times in which the same content is viewed. The internet creates the space for diverse political opinions, social and the cultural viewpoints and a higher level of consumer participation. The process of agenda-setting is almost the unavoidable section of news gathering in the large organizations which are stakeholders of the mass media. The media is not a crude agent of propaganda, but it organizes the public understandings by providing the overall interpretations that are preferred by, and in most cases it is least challenging especially to those with the economic power. News coverage of violent crimes serves the public interest, depending on how much coverage is necessary if it is necessary to cover every violent crime and the level of detail. (McCombs Shaw, 1972) The coverage of crimes in the society can be a valuable tool in decision making. If the Individuals are properly informed, they can make rational decisions basing on their personal safety. In case the population has been misled, may it be intentionally or not, depending on the nature of the crimes, and the rarity or commonality of the said crimes. When the coverage is an endless repetition of the apparently meaningless tragedies, then it causes a numbing effect on the population. The public interest may be the justification for the coverage of the mass murders, but in reality profit is the real motivation, since the mass media are in the business of making money and therefore the mass media cannot ignore mass murders. The allegations the mass media unintentionally promotes the mass murder is a serious one. Hence the mass media determine the appropriate level of coverage and it is necessary to cover every such crime. There is need for the media to devise the methods for discouraging the shoot your way to temporary fame which encourages copycat murders. It is evident that this problem has not been adequately addressed in the existing works on the media ethics. Literature Review A review on a number of the recent works in this field have suggested a trend the general problems of psychological and economic harm caused by inaccurate or unethical mass media reporting has been considered in great depths, However the very severe form of harm which is the unintentional encouragement of copycat murders has not been specifically discussed. A Noted author and the cultural behaviorist Loren Coleman explores how the medias over-saturated the coverage of the murders, suicides, and the deadly tragedies made an impact on the society. This is The Copycat Effect-the phenomenon in which violent events spawn violence of the same type. He recognizes the emerging patterns of the Copycat Effect, how to deal with and counteract the associated consequences as individuals and as the culture. Loren Coleman translates the academic research on the copycat effects an understandable form in which He brings the imitation of violence to reality through the detailed case studies and the pe rson-centered examples, such as the sensationalized reporting on suicide, sniper sprees, suicide via the airplane, suicidal cults, the post-office killings, and the teenage suicide. The media is largely in a state of denial on how its coverage on the death incidents contributes to the violence and destruction of lives in the society. Loren Colemans in The Copycat Effect examined the major news events, which were encouraged and promoted by the mass media, and those which get repeated in lesser-known incidents which were covered primarily by the local news. Klaidman Beauchamp (1987, pp. 93-123, pp. 201-7)) discussed the issues on journalistic-induced harm, but only with respect to the damaged reputations and the business losses. Pointed to the problems of the news organizations which created the news events, including the problems international terrorism, they did examine the possibility that the journalists efforts can play a part in causing a specific murder. Lambeth (1986) provides a thorough theoretical model in addressing the ethical issues on journalism, However, he fails to address the problem of media-induced harm. Hulteng (1981, pp. 71-86) sampled out the ethical codes of a number of the American newspapers; he reprinted the complete text of codes of the ethics for the Associated Press Managing Editors, the American Society of the Newspaper Editors, and the Society of the Professional Journalists. All these ethical codes address the issue of harm and balance in a very general way but do not directly discuss how the coverage of a particular criminal act can lead to the copycat crimes. The news media is supposed to satisfy both the obligation of accurately informing the public about the nature of the societys murder problems, and the obligation of the stockholders to keep the circulation up. The inevitable public boredom with the coverage of the meaningless little murders makes this an impossible act to balance. The media coverage on some murders in the sensational manner has been customized in many events. The editors justify this time-honored tradition basing on the economic considerations and in light of the major roles. The editors need to figure out the many innocent lives that will be sacrificed in order to boost the circulation, or promote the political agendas. These mass media studies suggest that that there is need for standardized means in which a kind of crime violence should be given the attention proportionate to its size, in relation to the its magnitude, and base on the importance of its victims. The Violent crimes of all types should be highlighted, in a relative way to other causes of suffering, which are proportionate to the social costs. Meyer (1987, pp. 155-156) points to the problem of the unbalanced reporting of the health and safety issues in the mass media causes the wild and inaccurate notions on the relative risks of various causes of death. He gives an example where a surveyed group of the greatly underestimated deaths caused by the emphysema, relates to the deaths by homicide. Meyer described one of the studies carried out by researchers at the University of Oregon, in which it was found that the pictures formed inside the heads of the people who were interviewed tended to be influenced by the spooky, violent world of the newspaper content as compared to the real world. It is important that the studies recognizes how the misleading portrayal of the real world can become an artifact of the popular morbid curiosity, that the newspapers must satisfy or lose in their circulation, this reflects what Meyer terms as, The Distorting Effects of the Perceptual Models. In brief, the journalists through the mass media enhance certain assumptions in their work. They make use of the facts which do not fit into the journalists perceptual model that tends to be downgraded in its importance or ignored. This study bases on the facts which include the statistical analysis, even at the most basic level, but the primary liberal arts orientation given to the journalists comes to the forefront takes the precedence. (Meyer, 1987, pp. 48-50) David Lesters (1989) study titled, Media Violence and Suicide and Homicide Rates. He summarized the two reports extracted from the National Coalition on the TV Violence. The first report asserts that there exists a negative correlation between the suicides and violent, media related issues, and a positive correlation in relation to the homicide at the same time. The second report asserts somehow similar, which does not statistically signify the relationships between the best-attended films, suicide and the homicide. Lesters shows that the National Coalition on the TV violence is not an objective source, Lester did not attempt to analyze the methods used, or critically evaluate the significance of these reports. There are serious problems that prove or disprove the causal relationships that exist between the television entertainment and the violent behavior; therefore there is no reason to assume that the television news provides the easier opportunity for such research. Methodology This research employed a web based survey in gathering data on the Media influences and promotion of the copycat murders. I analyzed news coverage of the mass murders in Time and the Newsweek for the period ranging 1984-91 for the evidence of the disproportionate, coverage of certain categories of mass murder in a manner that influenced the occurrence of the subsequent incidents. I used this design in order to trace the root of copycat murders and at the same time justify the hypothesis which assumes that copycat murders are accelerated by media influences.. The instrument was divided into two parts; The Descriptive Analysis, which describes the influences of media in the individuals ability to commit a crime as a result of the interests developed from the media highlights.. The Critical Analysis, which assesses the extent to which the American based print media, perpetuates the copycat murders. This involved the analysis of two main Newspapers, the Times and the Newsweek based on their modes of reporting the violent criminal incidences. Sample description and selection the copycat murder cases In this research work the random sampling procedure was used in the process of data collection on the copycat murders, this was due to the nature of the topic which required many sources of information concerning the influences of mass media on copycat murders. The contexts for the study were based on the distinctive nature of the internet. Data was collected in the process of evaluation of the influences of the mass media and the mode in which the copycat crimes. Results  Table 1 shows the data gathered on the different types of murde , it is clear that the arson mass murderers and the knife mass murderers received relatively very little attention from the Time and the Newsweek. The data shows that, there is a very large discrepancy between the amount of coverage that given to the arson mass murders, and the mass murderers involving the guns exclusively. The fire arms leads with a factor of almost nine times as much coverage as seen from the comparison between the coverage given to the exclusive firearms mass murderers and to the arson mass murderers. Murderer Month/Year Dead Newsweek sq. in. Newsweek Sq. Inches/Dead James Huberty Jul-84 22 157.50 7.16 Sylvia Seegrist Nov-85 2 0.00 0.00 William Bryan Cruse Apr-87 6 0.00 0.00 David Burke Dec-87 43 57.75 1.34 Robert Dreesman Dec-87 7 0.00 0.00 Ronald Gene Simmons Dec-87 16 78.75 4.92 Richard Wade Farley Feb-88 7 0.00 0.00 Laurie Wasserman Dann May-88 2 54.00 27.00 Patrick Purdy Jan-89 6 370.34 61.72 Joseph T. Wesbecker Sep-89 8 52.50 6.56 James E. Pough Jun-90 9 0.00 0.00 George Hennard Oct-91 24 78.75 3.28 Firearms Murders 152 849.59 5.59 There is a large discrepancy that exists; however, this is because of the many articles which mentioned Patrick Purdys crime. But even with the exclusion of all coverage of Patrick Purdys crimes (there is still a very charitable assumption on the data by the Time and Newsweek, in consideration of the centrality to the Wesbeckers actions of the Times coverage), the square inches per dead body for the firearms mass murderers is still more than 5 times the coverage when it comes to the arson mass murderers. This dramatic difference was shown by Plotting the square inches per dead body mass media coverage on the selected murderers incidents as shown below. Plotting of the firearms mass murder coverage against time also showed some interesting results, as shown in Figure 2. In this case, the mass murder coverage rose dramatically with the crimes committed by Laurie Wasserman Dann and Patrick Purdy There is a sudden dived back from high to very low levels especially during the pre-Dann levels with the Wesbecker incident. The Time newspaper which is more prone to the coverage of the firearms mass murders before Dann and Purdy, was the noticeably restrained of the two magazines as seen in its coverage of the mass murders from Wesbecker and onwards. There is a unique relationship pertaining the Time seen from the connection between their coverage of the Purdy, and the Wesbeckers bloody rampage? Discussion The cases analyzed included the following; On January 17, 1989, a homosexual prostitute who was also a drug addict with a very long history of the criminal offenses and mental disturbance, Patrick Purdy, directly to the Cleveland Elementary School in Stockton, California. He firebombed his car, entered a playground during the recess time carrying a Chinese gun, a semiautomatic version of the full automatic AK-47), he shot to death five children, wounded 29 other children and the teacher, then shot himself in the head using a 9mm handgun. The Initial coverage of the Purdys crime was relatively restrained, where only the essential details were reported. The Time paper gave Purdy just part of a page in the first issue after the crime titled (Slaughter in a School Yard, 1989). The Newsweek gave a single page titled Death on the Playground, and pointed to the four prior attacks on the school children, it started with the Laurie Dann. The Newsweek included Purdys photograph in its article. Newsweeks article (Baker, Joseph, and Cerio, 1989) quoted the authors of a book with the content on mass murder: Theres a copycat element that cannot be denied. A week later, Patrick Purdys name had received a lot of attention, and consequently his fame increased. At one point the front cover of the Time openly showed the AK-47 and the AR-15 which were crossed, beneath the outline of the U.S. which was stylized into a jawless skull, and titled, Armed America. Inside, the George Churchs The Other Arms Race, (1989) this occupied almost 6 ½ pages, opening with Patrick Purdys name. Consequently the articles referencing Purdy or his criminal act continued to appear in Newsweek and Time for several months. Within the same year, On September 14, 1989, Joseph Wesbecker who was a disabled employee of the Standard Gravure Co. in the Kentucky entered into the printing plant similarly carrying the AKS and a 9mm handgun. A reminiscence of Purdys scenario, the Wesbeckers actions were shortly detailed by the UPI wire service stories, particularly the William H. Inmans which was titled Wesbeckers rampage is boon to gun dealers (1989a): The most important fact is how the news coverage of the Purdys crime influenced Wesbeckers actions, and eve the identification of the weapon of choice for such an act of savagery. ( Inman, 1989) The police investigated this incident and at Wesbeckers residence, they found the manuals on weapons and an article published on February 6 issue of Time magazine devoted to the mass killers, including the one on Robert Sherrill, who slaughtered 14 people in the Oklahoma post office three years ago, and another one on Patrick Purdy, who killed five children with the AK-47 assault rifle in the Stockton, Calif, in January 1989. The same AK-47 was the main weapon used by Wesbecker. It is obvious that Joseph Wesbecker was not a healthy and well-adjusted person driven to commit his crime as a result of the sensational news coverage. The Time newspaper might have been responsible for having indirectly caused the horrible crime; this temptation could have been avoided. The editors of the Time might have foreseen the high probability for this kind of coverage promoting the copycat crimes. In analyzing of the data, this research paper based on two related issues: The level of the coverage that was given by the print media, the Time and Newsweek where certain crimes appeared to encourage the unbalanced people, who were seeking a lasting fame, by copying these crimes as we seen in Joseph Wesbeckers 1989 homicidal rampage. The analysis of the quantity of the press coverage which was given to the mass murder as in the case of the Newsweek and especially the Time which gave the undue attention to the particular type of mass murder, hence to the detriment of the public safety. Conclusion There are some positive effects from the mass media portrayals of the violence murders, according to a study the print and television have significant effects on the copycat murders some news reports have the major effects of promoting the copy cat violence and the killings. Therefore study conclude that the reporters are in need of some kind of guide on how the violence murder should be reported so as to avoid the potential negative effects that emanates from the mode of reporting to the public. There is the need to develop a journalistic style guide to determine the type of information which is recommended due to the potential positive or the negative effects. (Cairns, 1990, Price, Merrill, Clause, 1992, Wood, Wong, Chachere, 1991) The mode coverage of crime incidences in the society forms a very valuable tool in an individual decision making. The properly informed Individuals, can make rational decisions basing on their personal safety. If the population has been misled, be it intentional or not, it depends on the nature of the crimes, and the rarity or commonality of the said crimes. If the coverage involves an endless repetition of the apparently meaningless tragedies, it can cause a numbing effect on the population. The mass media generates information in a network, then the collected information is published using the articles, videos, and the photos to the consumers, this has the influences the individuals ability to digest the delivered information while at the same time it potentially influences the unrelated cultural and the personal beliefs, basing on the propaganda models. The Mass media content is created from the events and the untold stories which have effects on the consumers and their cultural orientation.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Capabilities and Effects of Background Music Essay
Abstract Nonverbal communication speaks louder than verbal communication; therefore, nonverbal communication, such as background music, needs to be sensibly evaluated. As a form of nonverbal communication, background music is capable of influencing a target audience. In advertising, emotions can be shifted depending on the music being played in the background and the same feelings are then transferred to the product, providing a tremendous advantage in business (Dillman Carpentier, 2010). Music can change one’s mood; in the workplace, an improved mood allows employees to be more content and, overall, more productive. In addition, with the right musical selection, the music is able to increase the amount of information an individual is able to retain (Balch & Lewis, 1996). Various aspects from several studies have been examined, demonstrating the power of background music and music in general. The Capabilities and Effects of Background Music Nonverbal communication may be unintentional and speakers may not be aware of their behaviors or it may be just the opposite (Troester & Mester, 2007). However, background music is often carefully selected in order to aid in the desired goal, particularly in advertising (Dillman Carpentier, 2010; Kellaris, Cox, & Cox, 1993). The goals of every businessperson may not be the same; yet, the capabilities and effects of music are rather consistent (Dillman Carpentier, 2010). Whether via television, radio, or in person, music is able to affect the moods of those in the audience (Knobloch, 2003). Music also has the ability to improve the performance of the task at hand of an individual (Fassbender, Richards, Bilgin, Thompson, & Heiden, 2012). According to Balch and Lewis (1996), an increase in memory is also induced by music. In any aspect of business, the effects of music can be utilized and even increase efficiency and productivity. Mood Alteration One’s mood determines the way one thinks and acts and what is said (Knobloch, 2003; Hunter, Schellenberg, & Schimmack, 2010). According to Hunter et al., â€Å"music is the language of emotions†(p. 47). The perception of music determines the emotion felt. The perception of happiness is more often transferred to feeling happy than the perception of sadness and feeling sad (Hunter, Schellenberg, & Schimmack, 2010). Davies (2011) refers to the emotions of music as being contagious. When one is around people who are depressed, that person’s mood adjusts closer to those who are in the depressed state. Similarly, although a person may not actually be sad, a sad part in a movie can make that person feel sad; the same applies to music. Hearing music that sounds happy can make one feel happy and to the contrary. Davies models this as a cause and effect relationship. The music being heard is the cause and the effect is one’s reaction to the music. Whether the reaction is happy or sad is dependent upon the perception of the music to the listener. Sounds that reflect happiness include little amplitude variation, a vast pitch variety, and fast tempo (Hatfield, Cacioppo, & Rapson, 1993). Therefore, when one hears these sounds of happy music, emotional contagion is invoked on the subject and causes that person to feel happy. In advertisements, music is selected as an enhancement but also to affect mood. It is a company’s goal to influence potential buyers by creating a positive attitude and feeling towards that company’s product. With a positive image in mind of a particular product, there is a greater likelihood that the consumer will purchase the product (Dillman Carpentier, 2010). An average of more than 9.5 hours of media is taken in by the average American on a daily basis; of those hours, 38% is dedicated to music – all of which affects mood in some way (Knobloch, 2003). In addition, according to Dillman Carpentier, 90% of commercials include music of some sort (2010). The preceding statistics show the value of music to consumers and therefore, reflect the importance music-induced moods have in marketing. Enhanced Performance Not only is music able to affect one’s mood but it is also capable of increasing the performance of an individual (North & Hargreaves, 1999). According to Rauscher, Shaw, and Ky, the IQ scores of the participants of their study were highest when the participants were under the influence of music (1993). In the other two trials, the participants went through a relaxation process and sat in silence for 10 minutes; the scores were 2.95 and 3.56 points respectively lower (Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky, 1993). Some teachers have started using music to increase the focus and efficiency of students. Relaxing music is played to keep the students’ minds from wandering and, instead, concentrated on the lesson. The relaxing music causes one’s brainwave frequencies to alter, entering the alpha state. The alpha state has been found to be the state where the best connection to one’s subconscious is made (Fassbender, Richards, Bilgin, Thompson, & Heiden, 2012). Koenen’s and Restak’s (as cited in Fassbender et al., 2012) findings have both supported that music inhibits thought. Restak’s claim is based on a study conducted with surgeons as the participants. Due to differing parts of the brain being used for music and for physical tasks, the music doesn’t inhibit the task but keeps the other part of the brain occupied and, therefore, from becoming distracted (Fassbender et al., 2012). In another study, surgeons were asked to count backwards by various numbers under three different conditions and were monitored throughout their tasks. The different conditions were no music, music of personal preference, and experimenter-selected music. Each surgeon was individually tested and each surgeon’s blood pressure, pulse, timing, and accuracy were recorded. The results showed a significant difference among the three conditions and the areas being monitored. The surgeons’ blood pressures and pulses were at much higher levels when performing the tasks without music. The results of the tasks with the presence of music showed lower blood pressures and pulses but an increase in the speeds and accuracies of the surgeons. Of the two music conditions, the overall results of the surgeons were better when listening to music of their choice rather than the experimenter-selected music. The participants of the study are of a profession that undergoes much stress in the operating room; by listening to music of their choice, the effects of stress decrease and the quality of performances increase (Allen & Blascovich, 1994). The studies of Dr. Adrian C. North provide several benefits of music for employers and employees. As previously mentioned, music can affect one’s mood. In the workplace, putting the employees in a better mood will increase their productivity by improving how well they interact with their fellow employees. It has been proven that one’s mood and helpfulness are directly related (North & Hargreaves, 1999). Music has also been found to raise the employee morale, leading to a decrease in the number of absences (Furnham & Bradley, 1997; North & Hargreaves, 1999). The output per employee can also be increased in a work field involving repetitiveness. According to Johnson (2004), participants of his study (whose work was repetitive) matched the tempo of the music being played while working. Therefore, with the addition of music – causing a better mood, cooperation, and increased pace – the overall productivity and efficiency of the workforce can increase and, in turn, boost the company revenue. Music is a friend of labour for it lightens the task by refreshing the nerves and spirit of the worker – William Green ( quoted in Furnham & Bradley, 1997) Increased Memory Although music and its relationship to human memory are still being researched, scientists do know that music affects several parts of the brain (Weir & Nevins, 2010). Cognitive neuroscientist, Petr Janata, says, â€Å" It [music] calls back memories of a particular person or place, and you might all of a sudden see that person’s face in your mind’s eye†(Weir & Nevins, 2010, p. 12). According to John Sweller, one must relate what is being learned to something that is already known (2003). Studies have proven the word-for-word is much higher when heard with music than when heard without music (Wallace, 1994). Wallace also suggests the musical accompaniment is used as a retrieval device or as an aid in the way the words are stored. The belief is that the music accents the words being spoken by acting as a cue when determining the number of syllables in a word and words in a verse (Wallace, 1994). It has also been shown that some memories are solely dependent on music being the trigger to recall them (Balch & Lewis, 1996). In marketing and advertising, music plays a significant role on one’s memory. Most can probably identify the brand image, along with the melody, by simply reading, â€Å"five, five-dollar foot long†(Weir & Nevins, 2010) due to the capability of music that allows one to recall melody and image from the text read (and the contrary) (Wallace, 1994). Pertaining to memory, music can also serve as an aid in health services (Simmons-Stern, Budson, & Ally, 2010). According to a study by Simmons-Stern et al., patients with Alzheimer’s disease were able to recall more of the information they were given when it was sung rather than spoken. It is thought to be possible that these findings may aid in discovering a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease patients (Simmons-Stern et al., 2010). Conclusion There is no doubt music plays a role in everyone’s life in some way. The effects of music are nearly unavoidable due to the fact that music is incorporated into such a variety of activities and places and can cause differentiating feelings and results. Sad music can spread sadness (through emotional contagion) and infect the listener with that sadness, causing the listener’s mood to worsen. On the contrary, music is also able to make one feel happy (Davies, 2011). In the workplace, music is able to improve the mood of employees, motivate employees, and quicken the pace of the work being done (Furnham & Bradley, 1997). By playing upbeat music where the work to be done is monotonous, the workers are less irritated and fall in rhythm with the beat of the music. A workforce that has a higher rate of productivity can ultimately benefit the company by increasing the profits (North & Hargreaves, 1999). Music also accentuates words and increases the memorabilia of those words; this can be quite beneficial in advertisements (Weir & Nevins, 2010). Another benefit music offers, with regards to memory, is as a possible treatment for patients with Alzheimer’s disease (Simmons-Stern, Budson, & Ally, 2010). Regardless of being a form of nonverbal communication or where it may appear, music strongly affects human beings with its ample array of capabilities. References Allen, K. P., & Blascovich, J. P. (1994). Effects of Music on Cardiovascular Reactivity Among Surgeons. Journal of The American Medical Association, 272(11), 882-884. Balch, W. R., & Lewis, B. S. (1996). Music-Dependent Memory: The Roles of Tempo Change and Mood Mediation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 22(6), 1354-1363. Davies, S. (2011). Infectious Music: Music-Listener Emotional Contagion. In A. Coplan, & P. Goldie, Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. Dillman Carpentier, F. R. (2010). Innovating Radio News: Effects of Background Music Complexity on Processing and Enjoyment. Journal of Radio & Audio Media, 17(1), 63-81. Douglas Olsen, G. (1995). Creating the Contrast: The Influence of Silence and Background Music on Recall and Attribute Importance. Journal of Advertising, 59(4), 29-44. Fassbender, E., Richards, D., Bilgin, A., Thompson, W. F., & Heiden, W. (2012). The Effects of Music on Mem ory for Facts Learned in a Virtual Environment. Computers and Education, 58(1), 490-500. Furnham, A., & Bradley, A. (1997). Music While You Work: The Differential Distraction of Background Music on the Cognitive Test Performance of Introverts and Extraverts. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 11, 445-455. Hatfield, E., Cacioppo, J. T., & Rapson, R. L. (1993). Emotional Contagion. 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