Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Problems of Gender Inequality for Women in India and Other...
Abstract This paper talks about the problems women in India and other places around the world face in creating women. The major stem of this problem revolves around the gender inequality that still prevails in many countries. Due to less significance given to the working women, the unions made by them dont receive much important either. Provided are some examples of the SEWA and JFJ movements that have made significant changes in the working women in India and America. Introduction The work force has always faced problem in their respective areas regardless of where they are working or what source of work they are doing. A labor union is basically an organization of workers who have together to attain common goals. These goals can be very simple and outright demands such as having better working conditions, increasing the number of workers, increasing pay or protecting the integrity of trade. A self Employed Womens Association was created in Ahmadabad in India in 1972. This union has grown from 30,000 in 1996 to about 318, 527 in 2000. (SEWA, 2000) The function of this trade union is for basically to organize women into cooperatives. It goes on to provide child care, banking, legal aid and vocational teaching to women. (Datta, 2003) Women in India who are self employed go for either the tertiary sector or the agricultural sector. The women make home made products such as pottery or garments or embroidered work. Other than that they go for providing service work ers,Show MoreRelatedThe Continuation of Gender Inequality822 Words  | 3 PagesGender inequality means differences in the status, power and prestige women and men have in groups, collectivities and societies. Gender inequality is caused when women have less power than men. While culturally and historically-bound, gender commonly is a function of power relations and the social organizations of inequality. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Stefan’s Diaries Bloodlust Chapter 18 Free Essays
string(73) " arm and clawing at the air as though they themselves were in the fight\." As soon as Id taken every last ticket and accepted every last dollar, I slipped into the tent behind an overweight man clutching a sweaty wad of Confederate notes in each fist. The air was thick with the stench of sweat, sawdust, and, of course, blood. People were milling around us, paying extra money to gawk at the Strongman and the Tattooed Lady, all of whom were hidden behind thick black curtains at various intervals along the perimeter of the tent. We will write a custom essay sample on Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 18 or any similar topic only for you Order Now But the majority of the crowd was clamoring around Jasper. Large wagers were being placed, with lots of shouting and hand signals and stacks of greasy notes being passed back and forth. Jasper gleefully chomped on his soggy cigar and laughed. Sailors yanked foreign bills from their billfolds. A few teenagers pooled their coins. Well-dressed men in ties waved gold coins. â€Å"Fight, fight, fight!†one red-faced man began yelling. Instantly, the people standing by him began to chant as well. Three well-dressed women, their hair in curls atop their heads, glanced at each other, giggled, and echoed the cheer, their alto voices contrasting with the mens baritone ones. Gallagher strode into the tent, his cane tapping a path through the sawdust. People turned and craned their necks to catch a glimpse of him; in the circus tent, he was just as much an attraction as the freaks. After all, this was the man whod caught a vampire. Be strong, brother, I whispered under my breath, remembering all the times Damon had won fights back in Mystic Falls. Damon had never provoked those battles but had always been a good fighter, always landing a punch fast when a fight broke out. Thats why hed been so respected in the army. But now, in a battle against a mountain lion, especially after not feeding for days I shuddered. â€Å"Brother?†I whispered tentatively, at a decibel I knew only his ears could detect. I was hoping for some sort of reply, even though I wasnt sure whether he could have actually heard me. If he did, he said nothing in response. â€Å"And now, lets introduce our fighters!†Gallaghers voice broke through my reverie. Two animal handlers, their hands in leather gloves and wearing boots that came up past their knees, walked into the ring, leading a mangy mountain lion. The mountain lion had a grayish-yellowish coat and yellow teeth, and, despite its lean body, looked brutal. And hungry. As if on cue, it uttered a roar. â€Å"In one end of your ring, you have the mountain lion. But this is no ordinary cat. This beast is the Alberta Avenger! He came down from Canada to find the hunter that killed his mate. He eviscerated the hunter, his wife, and all of his children except the youngest, whose legs the lion ate before leaving the rest of him alive to tell the story. Since then, you have followed the mountain lion in the newspapers as it has feasted its way on innocents in the Union and Confederacy without prejudice. Tonight, it is here only after we captured it trying to stow away on a boat bound for the Andes Mountains in South America. The mountain lion, ladies and gentlemen!†Gallagher yelled, his showmanship on full display. The crowd dutifully applauded enthusiastically, and some even cheered. â€Å"Its opponent is a legendary vampire that has been terrifying children and their parents for centuries. Viktor the Cruel was born in 1589 and was heir to the Hapsburg Empire until he first tasted blood–his sisters–and began a three-hundred-year feeding frenzy that has left a trail of drained bodies around the world. At an estimated two victims per day, this brings Viktors kills to one and a half million people, more than double the size of Italy. This unstoppable lust for blood continues tonight.†The applause was more nervous now, but the cheers were louder. Gallagher spread his hands apart with a flourish, and Damon came into the ring, surrounded by four handlers. His hands and feet were in chains, and his face was partially hidden by a muzzle. His skin was bleeding from the vervain, his eyes were bloodshot, and the expression on his face was one Id never seen. I could understand the hatred he felt–I was fighting every instinct I had not to kill the people holding him captive. But his imprisonment had changed him. Damon had called me a cold-blooded killer. The look in Damons eyes was not one of sport, or survival. It was pure bloodlust. A hush filled the tent. The mountain lion strained at his chains, but Damon simply stood in his corner of the ring, as if unaware of what the imminent future held for him. â€Å"And go!†Gallagher yelled. Immediately, the handlers unlocked Damons chains and opened the iron door of the mountain lions cage, then ran off the stage. The lion jumped toward Damon, making contact with his chest. Damon let out an anguished moan and fell backward. Then, just as quickly, he rose to his feet and roared, his face suddenly flushed, his fangs on full display. I knew this was all instinctual: Damons Power rising to the surface as soon as hed felt the attack. I had learned this about our kind in the past few weeks: Our power led us to do things before we even knew we were doing them. Despite Damons external weakness, his Power was still intact. The lion leaped again, and Damon went low, ducking under the claws and coming up at just the right moment to dig his hands into the lions neck. But the lion tossed Damon free; he rolled to a stop only when he slammed into the gate surrounding the ring. Damon let out another moan and lay on the ground. The lion began to stalk over to claim his kill. The crowd went wild, friends hitting one another in the arm and clawing at the air as though they themselves were in the fight. You read "Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 18" in category "Essay examples" One of the handlers positioned along the sidelines poked at Damon, clearly to get him moving. Damon swung without looking, knocking the man into the stands. As the handler struggled to get up, two nearby customers kicked him in the gut and then dropped him over the back railing to the dirt below, out of sight. Damon paid no heed to the scuffle and moved deeper into the ring, letting the lion slowly circle him. After a long silence, Damon let out a feral growl and ran toward the lion. The lion roared in response and charged, but this time Damon stepped aside, and when the lion missed him, Damon hooked an arm up under the lions neck. With strength no one seemed to expect, Damon threw the lion onto its back. He was about to dive on top and go in for the kill when the lion kicked up and drove a claw right through Damons arm. The lion swatted its paw around, swinging Damon through the air like a fly on a fishing line. At last, the flesh gave way and Damon, with a red arc of blood trailing behind him, shot up through the air, then landed with a thud even I couldnt hear over the hellish roar of the celebrating crowd. Damon struggled to his feet, holding the wounded arm in place with the other. He wasnt healing as quickly as vampires usually do–I wondered if the vervain had dampened that Power. He needed blood, that much was clear. His survival instincts and the attendant adrenalin were waning. I was about to rush forward into the ring, with the stout man in front of me as an offering to my brother, when a warm hand fell on my arm. Callie. â€Å"Its horrible,†she said. Her knuckles had gone white around clumps of her dress. Her lips hung loose and trembled. â€Å"I cant watch this barbarism much longer.†â€Å"Then tell your father to stop it,†I hissed. The stomping on the wooden stands was picking up in speed and along with the racing heartbeats of the people. The splotches of blood in the sawdust werent enough to satisfy them–they needed to see a death. Now Damon was padding around the mountain lion, as the animal hunched, coiled, in the center of the ring, moving as little as possible while following Damon with its reflective eyes. Suddenly, Damon took off, moving at a blurred speed around the lion so that the animal had to rapidly turn and turn, as though chasing its own tail. A quiet came over the crowd, and only the heavy panting of Damon and the mountain lion echoed under the canvas of the tent. Damon circled his prey, moving faster than the lion could comprehend. The crowd gasped as Damon slanted toward the mountain lion, and before the beast could tell which direction he was coming from, Damon dove on the muscle behind the lions head. He bit in and held on, letting the lion kick and flip wildly. Callie clutched my arm. My eyes were riveted on the scene, and my body was primed to run to the cage should I need to intervene. The mountain lion was slowing. Each time it bucked, more blood appeared in the sawdust in little red rivers. Its left hind leg was looking weak now; wobbling, it started to flop toward the ground. Damon unlatched his fangs and reared back, ready to go for the vein in the cats neck. Just then, the cat flailed its hindquarters and threw Damon free. As Damon tried to recover his feet, the mountain lion moved in and wrapped its jaws around his side. The crowd gasped again, then began to boo. Fight, I urged with every fiber of my being, clenching my fists at my sides. Damon had gone limp and was being flung around like an old slipper in a dogs mouth. The lion tossed Damon to the ground, then pulled its head back and opened wide. But just as the animal dove forward, Damon rolled away. He drove his shoulder into the confused beasts side, bowling it over and exposing the short white hairs on its throat. Damon tore into the vein with his fangs. The mountain lion twitched its way to stillness as a puddle of blood became bigger and bigger until it was a great lake of blood within the fighting ring. At its center was my brother, kneeling over a dead mountain lion. He stood and stumbled backward a step. He looked up into the crowd with a wide smile on his face, his fangs out and his whole face and front dripping with blood. The crowd cheered and booed in equal measure, and Damon just turned in a small circle, occasionally licking his lips. Gallagher clapped his fat hands together. The ones whod made money jumped and hugged one another. The ones whod lost threw hats to the ground or stared blankly ahead. I leaped forward, trying to push my way to my brother, but the handlers had already moved in, stakes and vervain-laced nets in hand. Damon was clearly drunk on such a massive feed after not eating for so long and didnt seem to notice them. Before I could even shout a warning, the men wrapped him in nets and began dragging him out of the arena. Even at my fastest, I couldnt get past the crowd that had filled in behind them and now blocked the entire way. All of the revelers, hooting and slobbering, stood between me and the exit, and by the time I pushed and shoved my way out, the wagon was careening out of the fairgrounds. A whip cracked. Hooves beat the ground. And just like that, Damon was gone. How to cite Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 18, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Richard Nixon vs Ronald Reagan free essay sample
When you think of influential presidents you think Abraham Lincoln or Bill Clinton? When someone mentions influential presidents to me, I think of Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. They were both elected for two terms, but each of them was seen either in a positive light or a negative light. On television, Nixon said, â€Å"I am not a crook,†but that is what he is known for even today. Although, Reagan was the oldest president elected into office, in my opinion; he was the most prominent political figure serving his eight full years as President of the United States. We will look at Richard Nixon’s and Ronald Reagan’s life before presidency, their leadership qualities, and their office accomplishments. The differences of childhood and adult lives of both Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon before their presidency, was most likely why Reagan was a more prominent political figure. Reagan’s mother and father were both very loving parents and constantly gave him support while he grew up. We will write a custom essay sample on Richard Nixon vs Ronald Reagan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Reagan was very likeable due to his careers in acting, radio hosting, and television host (Rosenberg). Even though Reagan was a late bloomer in politics, it did not stop him from becoming the next governor of California. On the contrary to Reagan, Richard Nixon grew up in a home where he had an abusive father and two of his brothers died growing up. Nixon pushed himself into politics through his whole life, starting in high school when he became Student Class President. In college, Nixon learned how to be a great liar when he decided to become a lawyer. When people say, â€Å"Only painters and lawyers can change white to black,†Nixon proved them correct. Finally when he couldn’t get a job as a lawyer he got into politics. Now let’s look at the leadership qualities that each previous president had which caused the differences in their political careers. A quality of being a good leader is being a truthful, likeable, and trustworthy person. Reagan was a very honest person, and people described him as being kind, humble and forward-looking. Because of his previous career as an actor, this helped his leadership skills because people saw him as not just a politician but as a real person. Nixon deceived the United States multiple times near the end of his 5. 5 years in office (Hogan). Nixon lied about himself, when trying to disguise his transgression in the Watergate complex (Farnsworth). In result, Nixon was the first president in the United States’ history to resign from his duties. Now that we know how leadership qualities affected presidency, let’s look at Nixon’s and Reagan’s accomplishments while they were in office in office. Even though they were both republicans, they had different accomplishments that were made in the political office. Reagan lowered federal income tax and raised the federal receipts 8. 2% (Federal Budget). Reagan spoke truthfully when he said, â€Å"People free to choose will always choose peace,†because he was the only president to have both of his terms without war. The poll of approval on Reagan throughout his presidency stayed constant (Poll-Approval Reagan). In contrast, Nixon showed in his poll of approval dropped throughout his presidency (Poll-Approval Nixon). Nixon was accredited for ending the war in Viet Nam and raised federal receipts like Reagan did. Even though he did so many things no one will be able to get passed the Watergate Scandal in the end before or after his resignation. Ronald Reagan, I believe was one of the most influential political figures and presidents, in history, to run the United States. People should look to Ronald Reagan’s accomplishments throughout his life when electing the next president. If Nixon would have been more of an honest person through his whole term, then people might not have thought of him as the â€Å"Crook†he made himself out to be. Reagan could have also been involved in politics a little earlier, and more people could have had faith in him as president. Society can be hard on people, and they never forget how someone says one thing and does another. How do you think life would have been if Reagan had not decided to go into office at all?
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